Thursday, January 29, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I'm so bored right now. and theres nothing to do. my sister came over Thursday. cuz she recently moved out in December. i was happy she was gone because we fought allot. but now that were not living together things are better between us. every once and awhile she helps me with homework and stuff; the grade cards are coming out this week so help is needed with checking homework. especially in L.A. i cant spell at all!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
school is so borring im just sitting here in social studdies and i should not be typeing this but i cant help it im bored we are having a computer lab and i cant find any good info on algeria... i need crap on culture. im just so bored and everyone is talking and MR.T is SO BORING !!!!!!!!!!!!!
bibi yall(got 2 get back 2 work)
bibi yall(got 2 get back 2 work)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Ging to a Hockey Game

im about to leave for a hockey game and im so happy. today ive been all bubbly and giggly.and i dont no why i got like no sleep last night so i should be so tired but im not. this bag right here is my dream to own i want it so bad. im not addicted to twilight stuff but it is pretty amazing and i got to love it!!!!! and this bag is not just a twilight bag it is all things edward said to Bella... the date on there 11.21.08 is the day the movie came out i don tlike that but THIS BAG IS MY DREAM!!!!!!!!! ive neva wanted anything more right now that a twilight bag right here!!!!!! the frase that it last at the very bottem said And so the Lion fell in Love with the Lamb.. omg that is my fav thing ever about twilight. and after that Bella says wat a stupid lamb." and edward says "wat a sick mastitistic lion" that is my favortite part of the movie and the fricking amazing BOOK!!!!!!!!!!! twilight is my altomite hero!!!!!!!!! i would never have thought i could read a book the long but look i did!!! twilight bumped up my self asteem!!! yeah for twilight the amazing thoughfull romantic, scary. book about a girl and a vamp. boy falling in love... this is a work of master peice!!!!! and is all that i love right now!!!!!!!!!!
BUT I AM NOT ADDICTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I SWEAR!!!!!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
its the day after my b-day and im so happy because i got a camera. its really good its 10mp. i love it it has pink poka dots on it!!! i also got $250!!! i love shoping so thats great. i love making jewlrey and last night after diner i went to micheals and got some polimer clay and i made some of my own beads today. i also just found out that one of my best friends who is a misionary in indonissia is coming to my school for a year because her parents want her to see what it is like to like in the US because they want her to go to collage her. so im so happy. and i cant wait for summer one of my other best friends will be comeing back from tiwan she is also a misionary i cant wait to see her again. i miss her so much.. she only comes back everyother year. this year i have alot more confidence so i have lots more friends so 7th grade is so much better. my grades could use work this is the first year ive actully tried hard on my school work for a long time. im much happier this year. everything is good
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