Sunday, June 14, 2009


softball is going great we'v won 4 games in arow now and i got to catch last game i didnt do to bad considering i havnt cout for 2 years. i dont when swim team starts but i cant wait for that its another one of my favorite summer activities. over the years of swim team ive mad lots of friends but i dont go to school with any of them, so i cant wait to see them!!! me and my swim team friends(darby, kylie, kate, ceria) will chill somtimes after practice and just hang out there. i dont need swim lessons but kylie and ceria are in them so sometimes i have my mom pick me p a little late to hang with them, its FUN!!! I cant wait!


  1. Great job on your softball record! It is so awesome! I wish I could see you play some time. It is such a great sport and am glad that you enjoy it. Little fingers are trying to help as I type this. So if it looks funny, I am sorry. Your parents always said you were a fish. It sounds like you have some good friends, I am glad. I would love for you to post sports photos. Since I can't be there. Only if you are okay with that. I really enjoy your blog updates so I can keep up on your life!

  2. SB is rolling over a lot and is sitting up now. So I spread your blanket out on the floor for her to play on it. She loves the frayed edge and is always playing with it. It is a hit! Just thought you would like to know that she loves the blanket! Thanks again!
