last weak for the stupidest reason ever my stupid step-witch made me get ride of my cat. she was banished to the sun room because she kept going to the bathroom in the house. well my stupid dad and step-mom had the litter box out in the sun room well the rule is we have to keep that door closed. HAHA how can the cat get to the litter box if the door is always closed. so off to the sun room she went.
well last wknd my step-brother let the cat out by accident when getting a soda out of the sun room fridge. and the cat ended up in my dads and step-moms bed room and jumped on the bed. well in Bonnie's mind that is crazy!!!!! and she grew up on a farm!! and hates animals. well then because she jumped on the bed we had to get ride of my cat that i have had for 7yrs. she made us get ride of her that day!!! not waits to find a Friend so i could still see her. just "get her out of my house!" in my mind bonnie is dead i resent her for this!!! and forgiveness will take allot.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
im so tired!!! i wasnt up late last night! and now i have to go to my dads dumb church! the one my step-mom picked out i dont like it that well. i perfere me and my moms church its alot more cassual than theres!!! anyway i havent gotten the results of my cat scan yet and that thing was creepy!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ive had sinus infections off and on for the past year!!! staring in last july and it sucks!!! the doctor has just put me on huge pills!!! ive had 2 sinus infections and 2 ear infections and know i need to get a cat-scan of my sinuses and that will suck!!! BUT I WOULD RATHER DO THAT THAN BE SAICK ANY LONGER!!! now for the past 3 weeks because of my currnet ear-infection i have been nawsions and feeling like im gonna puke like right now!!! ive missed school twise and have been getting home at 4(after bus im the 2nd to last stop) and sleeping till 8 or 9! im tired of be-ing sick 24/7!!!!! though today soon in about 2hour my mom is comming to sighn me out of school and take me to the doctors !!!yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
im sitting in soical studdys and i left all my work at home. yesterday sucked some 8th grader who i thought was my friend was telling inberessing storrys about me when i was on the bus talking to some friends. im just gonna tell him how i feel about that. i hope he stops...
OMG i really hope i get to go to the paramore consert i love them so much!!!! there best song in my oppinoun it WHEN IT RAINS it really good. im gonna ask my mom to take me to a consert of theres to i cant wait!!!!! i hope she says yes
OMG i really hope i get to go to the paramore consert i love them so much!!!! there best song in my oppinoun it WHEN IT RAINS it really good. im gonna ask my mom to take me to a consert of theres to i cant wait!!!!! i hope she says yes
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