ive had sinus infections off and on for the past year!!! staring in last july and it sucks!!! the doctor has just put me on huge pills!!! ive had 2 sinus infections and 2 ear infections and know i need to get a cat-scan of my sinuses and that will suck!!! BUT I WOULD RATHER DO THAT THAN BE SAICK ANY LONGER!!! now for the past 3 weeks because of my currnet ear-infection i have been nawsions and feeling like im gonna puke like right now!!! ive missed school twise and have been getting home at 4(after bus im the 2nd to last stop) and sleeping till 8 or 9! im tired of be-ing sick 24/7!!!!! though today soon in about 2hour my mom is comming to sighn me out of school and take me to the doctors !!!yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is terrible! And how sad that you are feeling so bad that you are excited to go to the doctors! Hopefully the doctors figure it out soon! I will occasionally get a sinus headache when there is a weather change. I can feel the pressure of the storm coming. It is wierd!
ReplyDeleteSorry it has been awhile since I last commented. With our home computer broken and no money for a new one. I only get to reply when I have a minute on Jess's work laptop.
What position do you play in softball? Do you play on team that plays in tournaments or a weekday leauge or both? Your parents have told me you always loved swimming! I think that is great! I love the water too, but was never much of a good swimmer. I took plenty of swim lessons growing up but was always focused more on beating the other kids to the other side of the pool and not so much on technique! What can I say, I love to compete! Now that I am grown up, I guess I actually lost. Oh, well.
I love animals too! I am more of a dog person than a cat person. But I love all animals for the most part. I met Jill and Sparky. I think Jill was the dog I nick named "chicken dog". She would bark at me, then when I approached her she would run away afraid. I did not bark back or anything.
Well, gotta run, Jess needs to go to work soon! I hope you feel better soon and the doctors get this figured out!